Flying and Flying

Travel day today - So it means a lot of sitting around and final packing… The DN Fox kit bag is bulging at the seams (the ones that haven't ripped yet) in preparation for flying out to NZ tonight. Sitting arou...

Get your newness on

Relaxing is necessary, but boring... So, in addition to basically chilling and getting massages, there has been a lot of NEW kit and stuff going down all over the show. New kit is cool, even if its not your new...

Dirty travel buddies

Here is another 'How to' post that will do its best to not be a 'How to' post, as I feel that the only 'How to' posts that are really valid are those written by Navy SEALS or Pro cyclists. So, with that in mind...

Fear and Loathing in Singapore

After Sunday's epic fail and the mystifying form dip, it has been all about doing nothing this week... Which results in a few issues it seems: Boredom A lack of quality material to blog about An escalat...

Its a rampage!

So, I am going to commit to being a massive lemming here (pretty much every cycling related site on the internet is doing the same) with a lazy post... Mainly as its best to watch this rather than me talking ab...

Technical difficulty

Whats the one thing I loathe in a bike? Sure, there are a few things to pick from such as colour, a juiced rider association, SHAM components or too many spacers under the stem... But no, whilst they are all ex...