PMT – The movie!

Far out... been a while since I've had the chance to smear a Dirty Shredit all over the net! In fact, the last time I put up a Dirty flick was the Perth ENDURO. So, with a nice symmetry to it, the first vid of ...

ENDURO just got a little Dirty…

Up until now on the Dirty Gear front it had been ALL Road... So much ranting and raving about the road kit, which no question has exceeded even my expectations as to how it turned out. But somehow it seemed inc...

PMT Day 1 – Goat Xi Fa Cai

Welcome to the first download from the Perth Mini Training-camp! Have I completely lost my ability to manage my time and get updates out in a timely manner whilst on tour? It would appear so... I had expected m...

What’s with the ‘E’ word man?

I've been pulled up by a few people recently and asked what I'm raving on about with all this ENDURO business. ENDURO that, ENDURO this... I even got asked if I had transacted on a Motorbike. Like a weird IT ne...