Spring can get fucked

Yeah, I know, its supposed to be a glorious and exciting time of the year as we shed the icy fuckwittery of winter and get on the glide path for summer. A time for lambs to frolic as they make their way from pa...

Dude, where’s my hardcore?

As I survey the first half of 2017 I realise that my Gram account has done an excellent job of covering up the reality of how things have actually been panning out on the bike. But of course, that's its whole j...


It feels like I've recently been trying to write posts that don't make me sound or seem older or more jaded than I really am... And failing. And after last weekend, I feel like I'm about to once more lapse into...

Unintended Consequences

It may be obvious by now that the rabid rate of Dirty literature has slowly been grinding to a 5 minutes post climax trickle. You'll also be as disgusted as I am to understand why... To set the scene, I am cowe...

Cycling is not the new golf

Over the last few years there has been an awkward phenomenon that I’ve encountered with increasing frequency at social events. There I am, going through the normal process of trying to tolerate small talk wi...