Pioneer wrap up – Bandito Gear Rant

In wrapping up the Pioneer before a summer of ENDURO kicks back in, let's take a break from talking about our feelings and instead go fully mechanical on it with a Bandito gear geek froth fest the likes never s...

Pioneer Race Report – Part 3

One of the challenges of writing up a Marathon XC stage race is that it's generally relatively same same. The process each day is pretty much the same, the suffering is the same, me declaring a jihad on the Por...

Pioneer Race Report – Part 2

When I was penning and editing Part 1 of the mini-series Pioneer drama race report, I felt an odd frustration that it wasn't really encapsulating the severeness of the challenge that was unfolding before our fi...

Pioneer Race Report – Part 1

Usually when I sit down to pen a race report and organise my thoughts, I'm relying on the memories and moments that have become history to help guide me. However, this time is different, this time I can still v...

Mission Briefing: The Pioneer

If it wasn't for laziness and general apathy, I suspect I would have got a lot more eHate off the back of my last post as I've slowly slid from the lofty heights of the M40 mid pack ENDURO echo chamber into a w...

The first RIM of 16!

The Dirty RIM is back in your bedroom for 2016, I know right, not soon enough either! I've finally been able to cobble together enough random action to get Monday cranking, on an extra exciting Monday as well g...