I usually quite liking making a Dirty Shredit following a mission. Its a chance to re-live the good times, mash up all the golden trails and soak up the rad venues and views.

But this one, well, this one was a little different. Yup, it’s taken me about 4 weeks for a reason to throw this together. As you’ll see, assuming you watch it, making this actually even made me wince at the appropriate moments during editing. Of course, I’m talking about that day on the Rodfather’s tour of Mt Vic where instead of rolling back through town for a coffee, I was being rolled into the Welly ED with a broken C2 Vertebrae.

So then, the obvious question – Why the fuck would I make a video of it?

Well, the obvious answer is its human nature… Yes, there’s a reason roads back up around the scene of an accident, much like there’s a reason people watch the monthly fail vids on Pinkbike (one of the November clips has 27k views already). The inner Roman in all of us somehow wants to watch the horror, even if we probably don’t want to once we’ve seen it.

The less than obvious answer is authenticity – In our contemporary Fuckbook society the aim is to make everything look as shiny and awesome as possible while you YOLO the fuck out of the world and give everyone else FOMO (take THAT friends). It doesn’t matter what the cookie actually tastes like, as long as the wrapper looks epic on the Gram. So, instead of just posting shredits of good times, I thought it important to include the reminders that sometimes, shit can go sideways – Or straight on top of your head as the case may be.

So then, after a mass debate, here it is with a very clear warning should you feel inclined to indulge:

Do NOT watch this if you don’t like the images or sounds of carnage

Don’t worry, you have to sit through 4.5 minutes of jerky Radness & Rodfather (trying to keep up with a local is one thing, trying to keep up with the trail builder? No chance) before arriving at the scene of the accident, so its not all sad faces and dead baby seals. Well, as you’ll see, I do sort of end up impersonating the latter, but just with a lot more noise:

A few points:

  • Hopefully that makes you want to buy a MIPS helmet ASAP
  • I can tell it was a bad crash, as I didn’t even manage to swear, which I feel slightly ripped off about
  • Yes, the sound effects post crash were involuntary #OMFGisthatwhatisoundlike #cunted
  • Make sure your riding crew are as calm and composed as the Rodfather was should shit ever go bad
  • NEVER drop your guard until you’re back at the carpark.

Is there a lesson to be learned here? Not really… It was a freak event brought about by an even freakier set of circumstances. Probably the only motto is never trust an innocent looking roll over drop, as they say – Its always the quiet ones.

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