I’m on the home stretch here in the UAE and punch out this Friday… My experience and creative sac is basically dry as well, so time for some new adventures. I have basically been starving myself on a diet of fruit/salad/raw fish throughout the day in order to prep for 5 Passes and Tour of Bintan – This would be the part of road racing I loathe… Especially when the cafe each morning is rammed with awesome pastries. Hmmm…

I have also been smashing myself dizzy with intervals, quite a change for me, but theres not a lot else to do really. At the end of tonights last F1 track session I got in the car and Elvis (not Prestley) was playing “Eye of the Tiger”, made me feel like a legend… Elvis is a huge rocky fan.

I have baked up another couple of vids though, so less reading and move viewage:

1. The best bike path in the world?

Actually, this isn’t too bad for a road video, mainly as its a one of really in terms of a unique type of ride and set up.

2. The foggy Abu Dhabi group ride

Ok, so, hands up… This isn’t my best work in terms of a video, but it completes the set of all the rides I did on this leg of the DNWCT. Thank fuck its under 3 mins long.

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